The Association of Marketing Communications Professionals (AMCP) honored BZ founders Benjamin Bryant and Tommy Zamberlan with a special category award for “Exceptional Individual Achievements in Editing” for their 2010 work as the editors of the Department of Defense’s high-profile “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Reports for the Secretary of Defense, members of Congress, and President of the United States.
Bryant, as Lead Editor, and Zamberlan, as Technical Editor, worked for DoD Comprehensive Working Group chairs Jeh C. Johnson and GEN Carter Ham, completing the project under a contract between Knowledge Advantage, Inc. and the Washington Headquarters Service, in November and December of 2010. As editors, Bryant and Zamberlan edited and supervised production of the book length “Report of the Comprehensive Working Group” and accompanying “Supplemental Plan for Implementation”—including content finalization and integration, copy editing, and supervision of layout and graphic design—in less than 30 days.
Previously, Bryant and Zamberlan served as Managing and Technical Editor, respectively, of Protecting the Force: Lessons from Fort Hood, the report of the DoD’s Independent Review of the events surrounding the November 5, 2009 mass shooting at Fort Hood, TX. Bryant and Zamberlan later served as writers for the Air Force’s Follow-on effort Every Airman a Wingman. Protecting the Force: Lessons from Fort Hood. In 2011, the Air Force Follow-on Report team was awarded the “General George Kenney Award for Lessons Learned” from the Air Force Association.
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