BZ Buzz

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One of the biggest misconceptions about modern strategic and marketing communications is that it is still the staid, two-part affair of yesteryear: 1) something (a report, an advertisement, or a brochure) is produced, and then 2) distributed to be seen or read by an audience.  Loop closed.

This traditional “send/receive” model is a core principle of communications with good reason, but in today’s chaotic and ever evolving marketplace of ideas, it is only a jumping-off point for truly effective outreach.  Modern communications efforts are layered, integrated, and measurable—and, when leveraged by an experienced hand, demonstrably more efficient and effective at getting results and influencing behavior than traditional advertising or public relations activity.

BZ is dedicated to helping our clients navigate this new and potentially unfamiliar landscape, and get the results they seek.  We also believe in contributing to the marketplace of ideas ourselves with fresh and dynamic communications offering insights and lessons learned on everything from writing the traditional press release to “new” media strategies including Facebook and Twitter.  That’s what we’ll be doing right here, on the BZ Blog, and we invite you to check back regularly to watch this space grow.  With original posts, links to items of interest, and contributions from guests with valuable perspectives to share, the BZ Blog will be a destination well worth the investment of your time.

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