Category Archives: Blog

Examining the Cost vs. Quality Conundrum with BZ Client IDIS

We’ve spoken quite a bit about the work BZ is doing to support the launch and growth of security and surveillance powerhouse IDIS in the Americas. We believe in our clients, and find the commitment IDIS has to driving up quality while keeping total cost of ownership low to be impressive in an industry that …Continue Reading

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How Publishers Can Respond to Ad Blocking Software

This short article from Copyblogger presents some of the problems with traditional and much maligned internet ads, and provides some great alternatives for generating revenue from online content. Find the full article here:

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What Military and Civilian PAO/PR Professionals Can Teach Each Other

Anyone who knows me well knows I have a special place in my heart for military public affairs types, especially reservists and retirees.  As a long-time public relations and strategic communications contractor in Washington, D.C., serving mostly military clients, some of my most talented and interesting co-workers have come from the world of military public …Continue Reading

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REPOST: BZ Founders Reflect on the Anniversary of the 2009 Fort Hood Tragedy

Originally Published November 5, 2010 Reflections from BZ co-founder Benjamin Bryant  on the anniversary of the mass shootings at Fort Hood, TX: Today marks the anniversary of one of the greatest domestic military tragedies of our time. One year ago, today, Malik Nadal Hasan, a U.S. Army Major serving as a psychiatrist at Fort Hood, Texas, …Continue Reading

Is Scannable Content the Key to People Reading What You Write?

Online, it may be. This fantastic piece from Pamela Wilson (at one of our favorite PR and marketing resources, Copyblogger) addresses one of every blogger  and Web content writer’s worst fears: no one reading what they write. The key to Web content success according to Wilson (and we wholeheartedly agree here at BZ) is making …Continue Reading

Remembering the Tragedy at Fort Hood

Reflections from BZ co-founder Benjamin Bryant on the anniversary of the mass shootings at Fort Hood, TX: One year ago, today, Malik Nadal Hasan, a U.S. Army Major serving as a psychiatrist at Fort Hood, Texas, opened fire on fellow soldiers and public servants at the post’s deployment processing center.  That day, a simple processing …Continue Reading

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BZ Pick: Toward Strategic Communications

The question I am most asked in conjunction with my work is “What, exactly, is ‘strategic communications’ versus, say, public relations or marketing?”  It’s an excellent question in this day of hot “buzzwords” with short shelf-lives and a seeming (and frustratingly confusing) incessant need for companies to brand traditional offerings with fresh and individual monikers …Continue Reading

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Introducing “BZ Picks” – Highlighting the Best in Online Communications and Marketing Resources

At BZ, we love to learn.  Continually exploring the latest trends and best practices in strategic communications and marketing helps us better serve our clients by enhancing our expertise and broadening our knowledge.  It’s one of the reasons we love new media so much.  No longer must we wait for the latest edition of a …Continue Reading

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Welcome to the BZ Blog!

One of the biggest misconceptions about modern strategic and marketing communications is that it is still the staid, two-part affair of yesteryear: 1) something (a report, an advertisement, or a brochure) is produced, and then 2) distributed to be seen or read by an audience.  Loop closed. This traditional “send/receive” model is a core principle of …Continue Reading

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